
Hi, what can we help you with today?

If you have a question that is not answered below, send us a message or chat with a live agent now (bottom right corner)!

How far can you drive for Onsite Training?2021-10-29T10:14:32-06:00

We offer onsite training within Calgary City limits. However, we have trained clients outside of Calgary in the past and would be willing to discuss your specific requirements.

Most of the time, we can facilitate training sessions anywhere in the world over the internet.

Book your training now

What types of payments do you accept?2021-10-23T17:25:16-06:00

We accept Interac email transfer, Direct Bank Deposits, Cheques and major credit cards.

Our preferred method is Interac (Bank transfer through email) as it’s the most convenient for you and ourselves and very fast to set up through online banking. You can even pay right from your smartphone!

We’re trying to avoid cheques as they require to be received physically and deposited. If you’re able to set up either Interac email transfers or Direct Deposit, we’d be very grateful!

If you wish to pay by credit card, please note that we will add the credit card fees to your invoice.

Where is Creative Elements Consulting Inc based?2021-10-23T17:25:11-06:00

We’re based in Calgary, AB, Canada. Our clients are located mainly between North America and Europe. Owing to the digital nature of our work, we can pretty much work with any clients located anywhere around the world.

Why do you use WordPress to design websites?2021-10-23T18:19:17-06:00

We use WordPress because it’s simply the best Content Management System (CMS) platform available. We only work with the best solutions available. It’s being used by more than 40% of all websites around the world so chances are your favorite websites are already made with it.

Numerous talented developers help create an amazing variety of plugins that can enhance a website to become virtually anything you’ve imagined. 

WordPress is also based on well-written code that is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)-friendly, meaning all major search engines out there will understand it well, which in turn can help your website be found better.

We understand you require a certain level of flexibility in making changes to your website and sometimes adding new features as your company grows and we know WordPress is a great platform to help you reach success with your project.

Contact us today to get started!

Where is my website hosted when I host it with Creative Elements Consulting Inc.?2021-10-23T18:19:28-06:00

We host our clients’ websites with our hosting partner in the USA if you’re based in North America or in Paris, France for our European clients. This infrastructure provides some of the best performance, security and scalability available on the market to ensure your website offers a great online experience to your audience.

We’re also proud to state that your website is hosted on a 100% green, renewable energy server! The environment is very important to us and we hope it is for you too.

Will I be able to update my website myself?2021-11-03T17:12:16-06:00

Yes, although please note that becoming a highly-skilled web designer takes years so there may be some limits to what you can update or change, however our support team is always here to guide you or to make the changes on your behalf (billable) if you prefer to send them our way.

You’ll be able to make changes to the written content, manage your products, events and memberships if your website offers such features and more.

The technical changes and the required monthly maintenance will be handled by our support team for your peace of mind that your website offers the best online experience possible to your visitors.

What investment are we looking at to design a professional website?2024-10-09T08:50:25-06:00

How important is your company’s online reputation? We don’t just design websites, we help you tell the world how wonderful and remarkable you are so you can change it for the better, one client, one project at a time. 

Shall we start by a free consultation to discuss your vision?

Will my website be on the first page of Google?2021-10-23T18:20:01-06:00

We implement industry-standard Search Engine Optimization (SEO) within each web design project, which means your website is ready to be found in accordance with the major search engines recommendations.

However, it’s not realistic to expect your website to be on page 1 of Google search results as the algorithms used by search engines are extremely complex and take a multitude of factors into consideration. They also change on a regular basis to adapt to new web standard procedures and practices, hence the “ongoing” nature of an SEO strategy.

It’s also a web page that ranks online, not an entire website so some of your website pages may rank on the first page of Google depending on the keywords used for the search (and other factors) and others may rank differently.

We offer Digital Marketing solutions and recommendations to enhance your website’s SEO. Even the best-looking website cannot be found if no marketing is done as part of an ongoing strategy. Keywords, clear website structure, sitemap are vital for a website but are not enough for it to be found at the top search results.

Contact us now for more information.

How long until I can see the results of a Digital Marketing strategy?2021-10-23T18:20:23-06:00

Rome wasn’t built in a day. However, we can build your “Rome” pretty quickly depending on the strategy we’ll put in place for you. As an example, what tends to get the quickest results are Google Ads. It’s great to get started but needs to be complemented by other elements to constitute a winning strategy like “Content Marketing + SEO” and “Social Media + Public Relations”.

Get in touch today and let’s find out how we can build your “Rome” together.

Will I get regular reports on my Digital Marketing strategy?2024-10-09T08:49:09-06:00

Yes, of course, and you will love them! They’re easy to read, well laid out with charts, colors and relevant metrics. We’ll connect with you monthly to review the performance of your Digital Marketing strategy, provide suggestions and recommendations and answer any questions you may have.

Start with a Free consultation today!

I’ve been using a PC for years and I’m new to Mac. Can you help?2021-10-23T18:21:09-06:00

Absolutely, you are the perfect candidate for such training sessions!

We understand it can be frightening to learn something completely new but this is exactly why we’re here to help you!

Aurelien, our director, has been trained at the Apple Headquarters in Cupertino, California when he was working for Apple and has acquired strong skills related to adult learning methodologies.

Whatever your levels of confidence, knowledge or comfort, he can adapt to your learning style.

Book now to get started with your Apple devices!

How does online training work?2021-10-23T18:21:18-06:00

We use Zoom to facilitate online training sessions. You will share your screen for us to guide you and make the most out of your training session.

Should you need more help, we can even take control of your computer with your approval. This is especially useful when dealing with situations that require more technical support than training.

Contact us today to book your training session!

How much do you charge for training?2021-10-23T18:21:32-06:00

Please contact us to find out about our rates.

What are my options in terms of training times?2021-10-23T18:21:51-06:00

We usually facilitate training sessions Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm.

Should you have specific needs such as an emergency training/support session, we may be able to help (mostly through an online training session), depending on availability. 

Book your training now

Can I choose any topic I want for my training Session?2021-10-23T18:22:00-06:00

Yes, you can. It’s all about you, it’s your session. However, like everybody, we have our strong suits and anything music related such as Garageband, Apple Logic Pro or MainStage are not part of the applications we provide training on.

We can facilitate training sessions on many great technologies like Apple, Dropbox, WordPress, Slack, Asana, Evernote, Google, and a lot more…

Book your training now

Is there a minimum booking time for an onsite training session?2021-10-23T18:22:08-06:00

Yes, “onsite” means we travel to your preferred location (home, office, cafe, etc…). For this reason, a minimum booking time of two hours (2h) is required when booking an on-site training session. 

For online training sessions, there is no minimum, whether you need 15 minutes to answer a couple of urgent questions or a full 2-hour session, we can accommodate you (planning ahead will allow us to provide you with more training options as we may not be available right when you need it).

Book your training now

Aurelien Jondeau | Creative Elements Consulting
Aurelien Jondeau

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